520: Habits - Carrie Wilkerson

Round two with Carrie Wilkerson, our esteemed guest in show 519 right before this one. We are walking through the 7 spokes of the Ziglar Wheel of Life with her and getting a behind the scenes glimpse at her personal, daily habits for success. Is she just wonder woman incarnate? Well, as you heard in show 519, she digs wonder woman. But no, she is not. She had no leg up more than you or me, but she had the desire and she did the work and she really, truly wants to help you and me. And it comes from daily habits. Some highlights, at 29 years old she was 5’2” and weighed 266 pounds. Today she’s 45 and is 150 lbs lighter. She believes her brain is her biggest asset and eats to feed her brain. She guards her sleep, especially before a speaking engagement. Financially she believes ‘upgrading’ is a disease we have to stop. She thinks multitasking is a myth and her personal vice is musicals. You will enjoy this. 

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