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Here's Why FAILURE is the ONLY THING That Can Make You RICH! | Simon Sinek | Top 10 Rules ✎ Get free access to our vault of PDF summaries for every YouTube video here: ✎ Simon Sinek is the best-selling author known for his speech on Millennials in the workplace that broke the internet with over 200 million views in the first month! He went from dropping out of law school once he realized it's not for him, working as a marketer who hated his job, to writing multiple best-selling books including Start With Why and Leaders Eat Last and becoming one of the highest-paid speakers in the world! 📜SIMON SINEK’S RULES📜 1. Try new things 2. Seek fulfillment 3. Develop trust 4. Love your job 5. Help others grow 6. Study your worthy rivals 7. Create your world 8. Ease your envy 9. Ask for help 10. Cope with uncertainty 11. Bonus: Be a good listener, Learn to trust, Don't be afraid to speak up, Understand diversity, Focus on making progress, and much more! ★CHAN...