New video by GaryVee on YouTube
The Human Pursuit of Happiness | A Gary Vaynerchuk Original Even the cheer at the end is slow and muted, it’s very and I mean very hard to understand the concept of loving the journey over the trophy. - It’s almost impossible when you don’t have the things that you want to understand that the chase of those things if you pick the right path will end up tasting sweeter than the items you amass. - When you want 100k followers, when you chase 10k likes a post, you don’t realize how empty it can feel when you get there and more importantly you don’t even know why, they just seem like the right numbers. - My friends, please try to start the process of understanding happiness, understanding why you feel the way you do, what makes you insecure and want a fancy car or house, why when you go through your feed you feel #fomo please understand that doing things you love will lead to the things you want even when they don’t pay you what you THINK you need to get what you THINK you want. Share thi...