New video by GaryVee on YouTube
95% of People are Confused About Success & Happiness | Gary Vaynerchuk - Jakarta Keynote 2019 This business keynote came after a 24 hour flight and a quick shower - glad I did it, as the Jakarta crowd was awesome ;) I talked a lot about my take on the biggest weakness of human beings and how people are confused about the current conversation around happiness and success. We struggle to block out the noises of other peoples judgement and my goal is to help you do what makes you happy, not to care about what other people think of you. Gave some really tactical content advice but overall a very solid keynote on the macro ideas that I have my thesis around. Enjoy xoxo — Thank you for watching this video. I hope that you keep up with the daily videos I post on the channel, subscribe, and share your learnings with those that need to hear it. Your comments are my oxygen, so please take a second and say ‘Hey’ ;). — Check out my new direct to consumer winery, Empathy Wines: https://garyvee...