
Showing posts from June 30, 2024

New video by Evan Carmichael on YouTube

If you're starting a YouTube channel from scratch... Do THIS! ✎ Get free access to our vault of PDF summaries for every YouTube video here: ✎ If you're ready to start your YouTube channel from scratch and make it a massive success, this video is for you! In this live coaching session, Evan Carmichael dives deep into the strategies that can help you build a multi-million dollar business just from your YouTube channel. Join Evan as he shares his expertise on how to get over the fear of creating your first video, leverage the power of community, and navigate the challenges that come with growing an online presence. In this video, Evan sits down with members of his Movement Makers community, including Monica, a passionate speaker and author aiming to connect with unfulfilled Gen X women. Together, they explore the importance of having a big vision, the steps to build a supportive community, and the practical tips for creating engaging content. Watch as Evan

New video by Evan Carmichael on YouTube

Joe Dispenza: Use THIS Quantum Law Principle to Manifest WEALTH! ✎ To learn more about Liz Dawn and Celebrate Your Life events check out ✎ Get free access to our vault of PDF summaries for every YouTube video here: ✎ In this powerful talk, Dr. Joe Dispenza shares groundbreaking insights on how your mind can shape your reality. Dr. Joe delves into the quantum law, explaining how the environment is an extension of your mind and how changing your thoughts can change your life. He emphasizes the importance of thinking greater than your circumstances and consistently visualizing your goals to create a new reality. Through compelling stories and examples, Dr. Joe illustrates how the brain can be reprogrammed to map out a new future, highlighting the science behind neuroplasticity and the power of mental rehearsal. Dr. Joe Dispenza, a renowned expert in neuroscience and epigenetics, recounts his personal journey of recovery after a severe cycling

New video by Evan Carmichael on YouTube

Nelson Mandela's Top 10 Rules for Success ✎ Get free access to our vault of PDF summaries for every YouTube video here: ✎ In this powerful video, Evan Carmichael dives deep into Nelson Mandela's top 10 rules of success. These timeless lessons teach us how to demand respect, never give up, and use our time wisely. Mandela's journey, from his imprisonment to his transformative leadership, is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of standing up for what you believe in. Throughout the video, you'll hear Mandela's own words on how he fought for dignity from day one in prison, emphasized the need for self-change before trying to change others, and highlighted the critical use of time to transform his country. These insights are accompanied by commentary from Evan Carmichael, who shares how Mandela's principles can inspire us to achieve our own goals and dreams. Evan also provides a special worksheet designed to help you appl