New video by Evan Carmichael on YouTube
IF You Truly Get THIS Simple ADVICE, You'll Become RICH! | Richard MontaƱez | Top 10 Rules ✎Richard MontaƱez is an author, a businessman and is best known for claiming to have invented Flamin' Hot Cheetos. He is a motivational speaker and instructor in leadership. He wrote two books based on his life experiences: A Boy, a Burrito, and a Cookie, and Flamin' Hot: The Incredible True Story of One Man's Rise from Janitor to Top Executive. šRICHARD MONTAĆEZ'S RULESš 1. Influence with your work ethic 2. Be a good listener 3. Have a vision 4. Use the truth 5. Stand out 6. Get your revelation 7. Dream 8. Take initiative 9. Stay away from haters 10. Love yourself 11. Bonus: Be around your supporters ★CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN 30 DAYS★ Evan has personally picked the 30 messages you need to hear to change your life in 30 days. Sign Up Now for FREE! You get a video emailed to you daily, his #BestLife30 roadmap, and bonus worksheets to guide you towards finally living your best lif...