New video by Evan Carmichael on YouTube
How to Use a VISION Board to REPROGRAM Your Negative BELIEFS! | Joe Dispenza | Top 10 Rules Check out Evan's new book, Built to Serve, at ✎Jay Shetty is a former monk and motivational speaker who's followed by over 20 million people worldwide. He went from being bullied as a child for being overweight and nerdy, to living as a monk across India and Europe and becoming one of the Internet's biggest celebrities! 📜JOE DISPENZA’S RULES📜 1. Move into a state of being 2. Refuse to be a victim 3. Practice inner work 4. Create a clear vision 5. Filter information 6. Meditate 7. Tame the body 8. Make it about the effort 9. Control your thoughts 10. Breakthrough self-limiting beliefs 11. Bonus: Overcome yourself, Break your old habits, Keep going, Control your emotional reactions, Go from thinking to doing, Be greater than your fears, Practice gratitude, Create your own future, and much more! ★CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN 30 DAYS★ Evan has personally picked the 30 ...