
Showing posts from June 23, 2024

New video by Evan Carmichael on YouTube

When you feel like the work you do doesn't matter... Do THIS! | Top 10 Rules for Success ✎ Get free access to our vault of PDF summaries for every YouTube video here: ✎ Hey BelieveNation! In today's video, Evan Carmichael shares some incredible stories and powerful lessons on how to stay motivated and make a real impact with your work. Evan talks about a woman battling cancer who found strength and hope through his videos, showing us that every bit of content you create can touch someone's life in ways you might never imagine. He also encourages us to start small, stop overthinking, and just get going, no matter what obstacles are in our way. One key takeaway is the importance of finding your core value. Evan explains how discovering his core value of "Believe" transformed his business and life, emphasizing that everyone has a unique core value that can guide them to make better decisions. He also stresses the importance of embracing nervou

New video by Evan Carmichael on YouTube

Zig Ziglar Motivation: Change Your Entire Life in Just 30 DAYS! ✎ Get your copy of "Little Book of Big Quotes" for free at ✎ Get free access to our vault of PDF summaries for every YouTube video here: ✎ In this powerful video, we get an exclusive look at Zig Ziglar's timeless wisdom on the importance of positive thinking and setting goals. Ziglar, renowned for his motivational speaking, shares his personal experiences and insights on how to transform your life by changing your mindset. He emphasizes the significance of making deliberate choices, the role of money in our lives, and how true success is achieved by setting and pursuing meaningful goals. Throughout the video, Ziglar recounts his journey of overcoming personal challenges, including his struggle with weight, and how he made a conscious decision to change his lifestyle. He also highlights the difference between material possessions and the invaluable things money ca

Dan Lok on YouTube

Get Comfortable Hearing This: ►Download Your $100 Million High Ticket Coaching and Consulting Cheatsheet for Free ►Do You Want To Attract More High Ticket Clients with Ease? ►Discover How Thousands of Entrepreneurs Scaled their Business. ►Discover the only 7 questions you will ever need for your high ticket offers. ►Join Dan Lok As He Unveils The Secrets To Transforming Any Offer Into A 7 Or 8 Figure High Ticket Offer. #highticketexpert #highticket #highticketclosing #highticketsales #highticketcoach Nobody wants to hear it. The dreadful "no". But especially as a business owner and a closer you need to get comfortable with it and start embracing it. ► Follow Dan on Social Media Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Tiktok: Podcast: View on YouTube

New video by Evan Carmichael on YouTube

How to be SUCCESSFUL in Life - a Step by Step Process That WORKS! ✎ Get free access to our vault of PDF summaries for every YouTube video here: ✎ Success is all about taking control of your life and making deliberate choices. In this video, Evan Carmichael shares his journey from being an introverted student with landscaping jobs to becoming a successful entrepreneur and YouTube influencer. He emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals and taking responsibility for your actions to achieve your dreams. Evan introduces eight key steps that helped him, including goal-setting, positive mindset development, consistent action, continuous learning, building strong relationships, effective time management, maintaining physical and mental health, and embracing failure as a learning opportunity. Evan dives deep into each of these steps, providing personal anecdotes and actionable advice. For instance, he discusses how his initial goal of interviewing Tony Robbins to

New video by Evan Carmichael on YouTube

Dr Joe Dispenza: How to Turn On GENES for HEALTH and LONGEVITY! ✎ To learn more about Liz Dawn and Celebrate Your Life events check out ✎ Get free access to our vault of PDF summaries for every YouTube video here: ✎ In this inspiring video, Dr. Joe Dispenza dives deep into the connection between our thoughts, feelings, and genetic expression. He explains how repetitive thoughts and emotions can keep certain genes turned on while turning others off, impacting our overall health and destiny. Dr. Dispenza highlights the power of changing our mental and emotional states to activate genes that promote perfect health and longevity, showcasing the incredible potential within every human being. Dr. Joe Dispenza's journey is a testament to the power of the mind. After a severe cycling accident, he defied medical expectations by not only walking again but also becoming a leading expert in neuroscience and epigenetics. In this talk, he shares ins

New video by Evan Carmichael on YouTube

Michael Jordan's Top 10 Rules for Success ✎ Get free access to our vault of PDF summaries for every YouTube video here: ✎ In this inspiring video, Michael Jordan takes us on a journey through his evolution as a basketball player, starting from his iconic shot against Georgetown in the 1982 NCAA Championship. Jordan reflects on how that moment ignited a fire within him, pushing him to excel and strive to be the best. He shares his thoughts on competition and how the drive to win has shaped his career, making sure his rivals like Patrick Ewing, Charles Barkley, and Karl Malone knew that winning a championship meant going through him. Evan Carmichael breaks down Michael Jordan's top 10 rules for success, highlighting key moments and lessons from Jordan's illustrious career. Rule number two, "Be Competitive," emphasizes Jordan's pride in his relentless drive to win, even joking with friends about preventing them from getting rings. Rule num