How To Be A Big Baller: Lavar Ball On Marketing, Parenting, and Being The Best he's an interesting character and undoubtably successful, enjoy the latest installment from tai lopez

“Whatever you do, you’re gonna have to suffer the consequences good or bad. So do you.” - Lavar Ball

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There’s nobody out there like Lavar Ball.

For the past year, we’ve seen him take over headlines, making controversial statements about the talent of his son Lonzo or justifying the $495 price tag on his Big Baller Brand sneakers. For the critics, this is fodder to create the next news story. But for us marketers, this is utter genius to watch and learn from.

There’s an old saying that any press is good press, and it seems that Lavar Ball lives by that. But the more you listen to him in interviews, the more you learn that he’s just doing him. He actually believes his son is better than Stephen Curry, and that his shoe is worth that price. He’s not doing it for the headlines; he’s doing it to be true to himself.

On today’s episode of The Tai Lopez Show, we catch Lavar for a few minutes to talk about his marketing and life philosophies. If there’s one thing we can take away from Lavar, it’s that staying true to your vision is what’s most important.

Don’t forget, you can listen to The Tai Lopez Show on Spotify! Click “Follow” and let me know what you think!

“The key to life is doing what you love to do, and if you happen to get paid for it, you won.” - Lavar Ball

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Points to Keep In Mind
  • Be true to yourself and do marketing your way
  • Anytime you’re in the limelight you’re gonna have 50% of the people like you, and 50% of the people who don’t
  • Get behind your children’s passions and make it fun
  • To get the best out of people, you have to know their strengths and play to them.
  • Sometimes less coaching is the best coaching
  • Your team will lose if there’s no flow between the members

from The Tai Lopez Show


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