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How to Be a Linchpin | Seth Godin on Impact Theory
More than being the best-selling author of books like Linchpin and Tribes, or the disruptive founder of Squidoo and Yoyodyne, Seth Godin is a teacher of how to live a life beyond the status quo. He once turned down a job offering a billion dollars in equity because he knew it wouldn’t change his life for the better. Seth Godin shares his insights on how to make choices that align with the life you want on this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu. SHOW NOTES Seth breaks down the status quo mentality and why it needs to be challenged. [3:31] Seth details the real power our decisions have on our happiness. [11:52] Seth talks about learning from rejection and failure during his journey. [21:18] Tom and Seth discuss being born with talent vs. developing it. [30:48] Seth shares why you should create your passion instead of finding it. [42:18] Seth reveals the impact he wants to have on the world. [49:49] QUOTES: “People who have the hubris to dream of something bigger, change the status quo.” [4:38] “What makes us happy is agency, knowing that we have some sort of control over what's going to happen in our life.” [14:44] “That idea that we can become passionate about our work as opposed to expecting our work to give us passion makes us way more flexible, gives us way more leverage, allows us to move forward.” [42:35] FOLLOW SETH GODIN: BLOG: TWITTER: WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: Seth’s Podcast Akimbo: [2:34] altMBA - [2:22] The Marketing Seminar - MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE BOOKS: Linchpin - [0:53] Tribes - [0:53] The Dip - [0:53] Purple Cow - [0:53] Unleashing the Ideavirus - [2:00] COMPANIES: Squidoo - [1:37] Yoyodyne - [1:37] PEOPLE: Tony Robbins - [44:10]

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