New video by Tom Bilyeu on YouTube

Why Trying to Be Right Will Hold You Back | Tom Bilyeu AMA
Tom answers question from the community in a brief AMA (Tom had to catch a flight!). Thanks to all of the impactivists who submitted their questions ahead of time! You can submit your questions in advance to, with the subject line “AMA Question”. Subscribe to our channel: Get Tom's ‘DO" shirt as seen in this AMA here: PEOPLE MENTIONED Geoffrey Canada - Ted Talk: [7:26] BOOKS MENTIONED Principles say Ray Dalio: [3:48] So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport: [10:55] QUESTION TOPICS Why we care more about being right than being happy. [00:15] How to switch from being a ‘task-oriented thinker' to a 'goal-oriented thinker' [3:48] How to overcome your loss for your passion and how to find a new one [9:36] Can you really improve yourself whilst still drinking and partying? [15:52] How to craft the ’This is it, I”m serious now’ moments in your life [19:03] Why you need to cultivate "anti-patience” [23:29] Why you should not overvalue ‘success' [28:34]

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