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No Equipment? No Problem | Coach Crystal
For More At-Home Workouts: Hey, everyone! It's Crystal, certified trainer and nutritionist with, here to demonstrate TWO great full-body stabilization workouts that can be completed either at home or in the gym. Look out for my interview with Jonny tomorrow to learn more about me! Workout 1: Bodyweight Exercises 0:23 - Spiderman Crunch: advanced and modified demonstrations, x 10 each side 1:04 - Reverse Pushup: keep your core tight & don’t forget to breathe! x 10 each side 1:40 - Plank Dips: advanced and modified demonstrations, x 10 2:10 - Ski Jumps: keep a tight core and neutral spine, x 10 each side 2:30 - Squat Jumps: x 10 Workout #2: Single-Dumbbell Exercises 3:07 - Overhead Squat: keep your arms extended, core tight, and squat low, x 10 each side 3:43 - Squat Press: x 10 each side 4:15 - Single Arm Bent Over Row: pull your elbow towards your body, x 10 each side 4:50 - Sumo Squats: feet wide, core tight, and neutral spine, x 20 5:24 - Goblet Reverse Lunges: stepping back into a lunge, x 10 each leg As always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to Train Smart, -Crystal

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