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How to Get Your Virtual Assistant up to Speed Fast S1E36
► Subscribe to our High Ticket Expert show: https://ift.tt/PmzcXSH... The more you grow your high ticket business, the more you need to delegate. Virtual assistants can help you free up time so you can focus on things that will help you scale more. Before you hire a virtual assistant, what are the certain things you should consider and how do you make sure they will be up to speed? Dan Lok has hired many virtual assistants and you will discover three tips on how he makes sure they are up to speed in this episode. Want To Know How I Built a Massive Social Following? See ► https://ift.tt/GtBCEJo Do You Want To Attract High Ticket Clients with Ease? Start here ► https://ift.tt/vRfhWT6 Would You Like To Know How To Almost Effortlessly Close High-Ticket Programs and Services? Go ► https://ift.tt/vaCBDqG Experience Dan Lok Live (In-Person Or Virtual) And Discover The Secrets To Scaling Your Business ►https://ift.tt/IlE8mhH #HighTicketExpert #VirtualAssistant #businessowners This video is about How to Get Your Virtual Assistant up to Speed Fast S1E36 https://youtu.be/ZAFM23W-upE Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:26 Do you want to turn your expertise, passion, and experience into an online income stream? Try the platform Dan Lok is using and receive thousands of dollars worth of bonuses. 1:34 How Dan Lok's experience on his first virtual assistance looks like. 2:50 What exactly do you want your virtual assistant to accomplish for you? Make sure you list them out. 3:23 Did you already give your virtual assistant your list? Here is what you should do next. 4:33 Your first virtual assistant is not your last so how do you train your next?

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