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Intermittent Fasting TRIGGERS Cravings & Hunger: Myth Debunked
Use Fasting To Burn Body Fat & Get In Shape: Click Here to Check Out & Subscribe to Thomas' Channel: Intermittent Fasting TRIGGERS Cravings & Hunger: Myth Debunked Lowered Blood Sugar High carb consumption is a trigger for sugar cravings as eating high amounts of carbs spikes your blood sugar levels - this, in turn, causes your body to release insulin, which causes your blood sugar to crash A crash in blood sugar results in cravings for sugar since your body is trying to raise its blood sugar levels back to normal, if you lower your carb intake over time, your blood sugar will level out and stabilize - eventually, no crashes will occur and sugar cravings will cease Whilst in a fasted state, no carbs are coming into your system, hence no blood sugar spikes and subsequent falls Fasting & Ghrelin First study looks at how ghrelin, generally speaking, follows a circadian pattern, and the second shows the longer the fast, the less ghrelin is produced Study - European Journal of Endocrinology 24-h ghrelin profiles were studied in six healthy volunteers - an increase and spontaneous decrease in ghrelin were seen at the timepoints of customary meals, and ghrelin was secreted in a pulsatile manner with approximately 8 peaks/24 h More specifically, researchers found that ghrelin levels are lowest at approximately 8:00 - 9:00 in the morning Note: Circadian rhythm studies consistently find that hunger is lowest first thing in the morning, also generally the longest period of the day where you have not eaten. This reinforces the fact that hunger is not simply a function of not having eaten in a while The 3 highest peaks of ghrelin corresponded to lunch, dinner and the next day’s breakfast, but ghrelin did not gradually increase After the initial wave of hunger, it recedes, even if you don’t eat - ghrelin showed a “spontaneous decrease after approximately 2 h without food consumption” (suggests that hunger comes in waves) Note: ghrelin does seem to have a learned component since all these subjects were used to eating 3 meals per day Study - The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism In this study, 33 subjects had their ghrelin measured over 84 hours of fasting - over the 3 days of fasting, ghrelin gradually decreased, despite subjects not having eaten for the past 3 days Fasting & Dopamine A study published in the Journal of Neurophysiology found that (in mice) fasting caused a change in the properties of somatodendritic dopamine release within the VTA by increasing dopamine release In other words, fasting altered the properties of somatodendritic dopamine release within the VTA by increasing dopamine release Dopamine & Cravings When you repeatedly do something that releases dopamine in the reward system, like eating sugary foods, your dopamine receptors can start to down-regulate When the brain sees that the amount of dopamine is too high, it begins removing dopamine receptors to keep things balanced When you have fewer receptors, you need more dopamine to reach the same effect, which causes people to start eating more junk food to reach the same level of reward as before - this is called tolerance If you have fewer dopamine receptors, you will have very little dopamine activity and start to feel unhappy when you don't get your junk food "fix" - this is called withdrawal A true craving is about satisfying the brain's need for dopamine - it has nothing to with the body's need for energy or nourishment As always, keep it locked in on the channel, and don't forget to: "Like" "Share" & "Subscribe" to I'll see you next time, -Thomas Achieve The Body You Deserve: P.S. Make sure to Like & Share this video on Facebook: References 1) Natalucci G , et al. (n.d.). Spontaneous 24-h ghrelin secretion pattern in fasting subjects: maintenance of a meal-related pattern. - PubMed - NCBI. Retrieved from 2) Espelund U , et al. (n.d.). Fasting unmasks a strong inverse association between ghrelin and cortisol in serum: studies in obese and normal-weight subjects. - PubMed - NCBI. Retrieved from 3) Sumithran P , et al. (n.d.). Ketosis and appetite-mediating nutrients and hormones after weight loss. - PubMed - NCBI. Retrieved from 4) Acute fasting increases somatodendritic dopamine release in the ventral tegmental area. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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